It's 17:27. Stevie at work has just given me the OK to leave work. Contemplate taxi over bus, either way I'm going to have to spend more than i want to to get home in time as I only have pound coins and a £1 note that Simon gave me at Fives on Wednesday. (I don't know where he got it either...). Decide to opt for a chippy as the queues in Co-Op at that time of night take ages. Chippy takes ages as girl gives me a pie supper instead of a sausage supper. Main gate of flat complex is locked so need to go long way round. Finally get upstairs, say hello to the girlfriend briefly, grab laptop and trawl Steelmen Online and Fir Park Corner for a stream to watch. At this point, it's 17:57. Find 360 Soccer link. Not working. TV2 Sumo link. I'm not Norwegian so won't let me on. Gutter. Hear that Images in Lanark is showing game, consider belling them to ask how they got it. Don't.
For the next 2 hours, I sit, watching my dusty laptop screen with 4 windows open. FirPark Corner in Tab 1, SteelmenOnline in 2, Twitter in 3 and BBC Sport on 4. All giving text updates, none giving any pictures. Hollyoaks is on in background for first half. While Geordie Des is being a racist, I have read that Tommy Hately has had a 35 yard rocket tipped over and that Stevie Hammell looks most likely to score. As Steph turns down Gilly's proposal, I learn that Aaselunds have hit the bar and are peppering the box with crosses but Darren Randolph is standing firm. Half time 0-0 and I can get out of my work uniform at last.
Second tweet of the second half and we are apparently 1-0 up thanks to Jamie Murphy's record breaking goal. Brilliant. I shout Brilliant quite loud. Feels hollow, cant see it, not hearing a radio commentator describe it, and in all probability, it happened about 3 minutes before I knew about it. The dust settles, Twitter slows down, all the forums are saying the same thing. We have the away goal, the ball is in our court, only Motherwell can muck this up now blah blah blah. Craigan inexplicably misses the opportunity to put through his own goal, saunders has had a major let off and Randolph has made 2 great saves. On our way to an away goal victory.
In Eastenders, some woman has just come back from the dead and the guy who had kidnapped her is trying to kill the rest of her family. Other folk are playing rounders in the Square. Somebody is running near the house where the mental stuff is happening. A telly is thrown through a window and somehow, Aaselunds have a penalty. In the last minute. Bugger. 1-1 with last kick of the ball. Duf duf duf duf duf dufaduf.
As i head out for the night, I feel a sense of dissapointment, but not too much as a 1-1 away draw is pretty good. we snuffed out the giant striker they have and seemed to defend pretty well when under the cosh. When i woke up this morning, i searched for highlights and duly found them. Exactly as Twitter and BBC Sport had described it. Don't know why i was expecting any different. What they failed to mention though was how Hateley absolutely done, I mean Done, 2 of their defenders before crossing for The Humph to cut back for Jamie Murphy to pick his spot. 6 European goals, with another week to get more at least. Let's not forget, Ross Forbes is 2 away from Murphy's record as well. That's a penalty and a free kick next week...Kirkie's record may be gone but he still has an eye for talent, after telling my 3 year old nephew that if he sticks in, Wee Aiden could be an awesome player when he's older. apparently Stevie likes the way he gets in about the bigger boys and can dribble a ball pretty damn well for essentially a toddler.
In other news, got my new top through this morning. Always get excited about getting my new kit. I've had all but 2 of the home kits for the last 16 years. got my first one on Christmas day 1994, Pony/Motorola with button stud collar and claret hoop. Wore it to Falkirk on Boxing Day where Rab Shannon scored the winner at old Brockville. Had the shirt, shorts and socks on over my jacket and jeans. Magic.
Return leg next week, if we believe, we can achieve. Hopefully Casagolda will be signe dup by then too...
Up The Well!
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